Archiving Applicants | iSoftpull | Credit Reporting Software

Archiving Applicants

To help keep your software clean with relevant applicants, iSoftpull has an Archive functionality. Archiving your applicants will help enable you to suppress applicants that are no longer relevant, while at the same time give you the ability to view them at a later date. Applicants that have has a credit report cannot be deleted from the platform. Below are the steps on how to Archive and Unarchive applicants: 

Archiving Applicants:

Step 1:

Navigate to the Applicants Screen, select the applicants you wish to archive, then click the pencil icon

Step 2:

Click on the Archived/Unarchived heading

Archived/Unarchived Heading

Step 3:

Select Archive, then click update
Archive Update Action

Your Applicants are now Archived!

Unarchiving Applicants

Step 1:

Navigate to the Applicants Screen

Step 2:

Click the Archived/Unarchived Heading
Archived/Unarchived Heading

Step 3:

Select filter at the top of the screen and select Unarchive
Select Archived

Step 4:

Select the applicants you wish to unarchive and click edit in the top of the screen

Step 5:

Click the Archived/Unarchived heading
Archived/Unarchived Heading

Step 6:

Select Unarchived and click update
Unarchiving Action
You have now Unarchived your applicants!

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