Editing Applicant Status | iSoftpull | Credit Reporting Software

Editing Applicant Status

All iSoftpull license comes with some light CRM functionality, which enable you stage your leads as New, Active, Closed Won and Closed Lost. Inside of the platform you will also be able to filter leads based on status. You can edit the status on a single applicant individually, or in bulk. The following are definitions and directions to change the status of your applicants to help you categorize and prioritize your contacts.


  1. New: All leads that have not ran a credit report. To learn how and why you would want to create an applicant in iSoftpull before running credit report, read this article.

  2. Active: All applicants you have already pulled credit on, but have not designated and Closed Won or Closed Lost. 

  3. Closed Won: Mark applicants you have won the business of as Closed Won.

  4. Closed Lost: Mark applicants that you consider to be "dead" as Closed Lost.

How to change the status of a single applicant:

Step 1:  Navigate to the Applicants page by clicking the applicants button on the navigation bar and click on the
name of an applicant

Step 2: Click on the pencil at the top right hand corner of the screen

Step 3: Click and modify the status of the applicant. Press save on the green button at the bottom of the screen.


How to change the status applicants in bulk:

Step 1: Navigate to the Applicants page by clicking the applicants button on the navigation bar

Step 2: Check the applicants you wish to bulk edit then click the pencil at the top middle of the screen

Step 3: Select the status you wish to update the applicants to and click update

That's it! Your applicants are now updated!

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