iSoftpull | Credit Intelligent Webforms | Software Instruction

Credit Intelligent Webforms

iSoftpull’s Credit Intelligent Webforms allow you to build embeddable forms on your website to process credit applications programmatically. With webforms you can capture consent, process applicants, and automate pre-qualification to instantly inform clients or employees if an applicant it pre-qualified. By utilizing Credit Intelligent Webforms you will generate more leads, identify quality leads. and scale your organization while remaining FCRA compliant.

This article explains how to create Credit Intelligent Webforms.

Step 1.  Select Forms and click Add Form on the top right hand corner.

Step 2. Name your form and configure initial set up.

The following are descriptions of selection choices:

Use Type 

  1. Applicant facing forms are designed for your client's (the borrower) to fill out themselves. Typically, these type of forms are embedded on your website or are used as a stand alone application (each form has a dedicated url). Here, your potential borrower is visiting your website from their computer or phone, and initiates the pre-qualification themselves.  
  2. Employee facing forms, conversely, are designed for your employee to fill out. These forms are typically used in a call center or phone room, where the borrower is not nearby. In this case, your employee will fill out the form, confirm they have received the borrower's consent to run their credit, and process the application. Consent is typically recorded on a phone call. 

Pull Type

  1. Pretty self explanatory, however there are some minor differences in the form builder.
    1. Soft Pull forms do not require a social security number or date of birth, whereas they are both required on hard pull forms
    2. Soft pull forms may utilize intelligence, whereas intelligence cannot be applied on a hard pull form 

Processing Type

  1. Lead only forms do not automatically pull credit, therefore intelligence cannot be applied. Lead only forms are typically used when our customers want to capture their borrower's written instructions, however they do not want to immediately process their credit report. 
  2. Pull Credit is the processing type predominately used. It is only by selecting the Pull Credit processing type that will enable you to run intelligence, and therefore present relevant messaging to you customer's custom tailored to their unique credit score. 


  1. reCaptcha is a tool that prevents bots from processing forms. 

Initial Form Configuration

Step 3: Configure the Form (assuming you selected pull credit. If you selected Lead Only, skip to step 4)

Here, you have two sections to make. First, which credit bureaus you want to pull, and second whether or not you want to apply intelligence. With regard to the first selection, this choice picks which bureaus you would like to have pulled and available for view in iSoftpull. The second choice is whether or not you wish to run intelligence. Most of our customer's select yes, that way they can deliver relevant messaging to their clients. 

There is a slight nuance here that should be discussed. For this example, lets assume you only select TransUnion in the credit bureau selection, however subsequently you select an Intelligence associated with Equifax in your Intelligence waterfall (described below), in this case, even though you did not select Equifax in your credit bureau section, it would still pull Equifax because Intelligence over rides the credit bureau selection. 

Configure the Form

Step 4: Select Form Field 

iSoftpull's webforms are fairly configurable, however some fields and language are not editable. Below describes what can be modified, and what cannot.

Form Styling: 

  1. Title Subtitle,  and Button Copy are all customizable on both hard and soft pull forms, 


  1. Name and Address are always required and are never optional
  2. Date of Birth and Social Security are optional on soft pull forms, but are required on hard pull forms. That said, if you want to make them required on soft pulls, you may. 
  3. Phone and Email are always optional to create a soft or hard pull form. That said, if you want to make them required on soft pulls, you may. 
  4. Additional single Line fields are always optional, but you may require them
Form Builder

Step 5.  Add Intelligence to Waterfall. (learn how to create Intelligence here)

Click the blue Add New Intelligence button, select which Intelligence to include, and click Add. 
Add New Intelligence
Select Intelligence to Apply

Step 6. Prioritize Intelligence. 

The Intelligence listed at the top of the waterfall will take priority, and the Intelligence at the bottom will take last priority, so it is important to configure your rankings. After you have set your intelligence priorities, click Save. 
Prioritizing Intelligence

Step 7. Launch Webforms 

After you have saved your form, your form is ready for use. Simply click the Links tab at the top of your screen to access the dedicated URL for the form, as well as the customized embed code to give to your developer. 

Step 8. Share Form

If you want to give your employees access to the form, click the Form tab and you will see a + button at the top right hand side of the screen. Add each employee necessary and click save. It is important to note that each employee will have a unique url, and only the form creator may modify/edit the form.

Share your Form

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2270 Camino Vida Roble, Ste. i
Carlsbad, CA 92011

iSoftpull® 2023  © All rights reserved

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